Workbench - 07/04/16

Wood-grain, thoughts on LEDs and some fine detail work. 

Work continued today, things will slow down after today though as the students come back on Monday and I'll be too busy to get much done.

First up I did some wood-grain. This was done the fast way, with a grey fine-liner rather than a paintbrush. Then I washed the boards alternately and added a coat of gloss varnish to finish. I also got to grips with the underside adding several coat of red using a sponge to get a nice mottled texture.

The washers are just for reference. I'm thinking of placing four holes in the base for LEDs and another two to four in the top. The awning would be the perfect place to hide all the electrics as there is plenty of space inside and of course it's hollow.

My fine-liner saw some more action on the fascia. Since yesterday I've washed the blue back a bit and added some black lining to the recesses to make the colours stand out a little more. Then I highlighted the blue, cream and gold to hopefully make it all pop.

And here's a quick side shot with the brickwork showing, so you guys can let me know if the colours are clashing at all.

Hope you like. I'll probably end up shelving this project now until the summer but thanks for all the comments and questions, it has been very motivating.

Until next time,

The Duke


  1. Now I'm buying a grey fine liner, such a good idea and really works.

    1. I probably destroyed at least two of them today, I'm thinking gel pens might be a little less delicate. Incidentally I use grey rather than black because black tends to show through too much and becomes a little too obvious.

  2. The finish on that Wood piece is gorgeous and really looks it's part.
    Whether you are going to add LED's or not, the result is going to look awesome.

    1. Thanks Wouter, the whole thing has ended up taking a lot longer than planned so I'm glad it's looking good for it!

  3. Wonderful effect on the boards, Chris. More than just scenery, this project is art.


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